Manage Goole Shopping directly from the dashboard

Easily create optimized product feeds for Google Shopping and ensure maximum exposure of your items with Opsboard 4.0

Sell on Google Shopping

Buying online often starts with a Google search, this means that if a person has a need to satisfy it they will probably start with an online search.

According to Google data, in fact, almost 80% of users inquire about the search engine before buying a product

Manage Google Shopping directly from the dashboard avoiding overselling

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Promote your products on Google with Merchant Center

Sync your products to Google directly from the dashboard: all data always in sync: update items in Opsboard by leveraging automatic sync with Google.

Always rank among the top search results: Improve your organic search ranking by providing detailed and up-to-date data on your complete product catalog in Opsboard.

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Promote your business with Google Shopping

Sell your items through Google Shopping for free or by activating paid advertising campaigns with Google Ads

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Promuovi la tua attività con Google Shopping con stoploop e opsboard

Manage Google Shopping from your dashboard

Easily create optimized product feeds for Google Shopping and ensure maximum exposure of your items with Opsboard 4.0

Vendas are Google Shopping

Buying online often starts with a Google search, this means that if a person has a need to satisfy it they will probably start with an online search.

According to Google data, in fact, almost 80% of users inquire about the search engine before buying a product

Manage Google Shopping directly from the dashboard avoiding overselling

Vendi su Google Shopping con Stoploop e Opsboard 4.0

Promote your products on Google with Merchant Center

Sync your products to Google directly from the dashboard: all data always in sync: update items in Opsboard by leveraging automatic sync with Google.

Always rank among the top search results: Improve your organic search ranking by providing detailed and up-to-date data on your complete product catalog in Opsboard.

Promuovi i tuoi prodotti su Google con Merchant Center

Promote your business with Google Shopping

Sell your items through Google Shopping for free or by activating paid advertising campaigns

con Google Ads

Promuovi la tua attività con Google Shopping con Stoploop e Opsboard 4.0

Try Google Shopping Automated

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Start selling on Google Shopping

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